42nd International EPTA Conference – Online Conference

Saturday, October 31st, 2020 and Sunday, November 1st, 2020


YouTube Channel of EPTA Germany: https://youtube.com/channel/UCl3ri7ErJ3zZTWISAz_0B8g
Conference Brochure / Konferenzbroschüre >> Download

Saturday, October 31st, 2020

15:00 MEZ/CET: EPTA Germany Mitgliederversammlung

16:30 MEZ/CET: Welcome address

17:00 MEZ/CET
I: Early works by Beethoven, pedagogical aspects

I: Beethovens Frühwerk, pädagogische Aspekte

Panel: Carleen Graff, Murray McLachlan, Nadia Lasserson, Nils Franke

YouTube Playlist: >> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqr5jalP-zXz29-HCiV2qboCsaSIyuy39

Carleen Graff, Plymouth State University (USA): Beethoven's Elector Sonatas.
>> Video: https://youtu.be/zuS0KsSbBdM
>> Handout (PDF)

Murray McLachlan, Chair of EPTA UK, Manchester: Beethoven and Youth. The spirit of discovery, renewal and freshness through the 35 sonatas. Lecture
Video: >> https://youtu.be/m8aW7kLZu5g

Nils Franke, Colchester (UK): Beethoven as student and teacher. Lecture
Lecture Video: >> https://youtu.be/8Bc6cVd6a58
English text: >> Download


18:30 MEZ/CET
II: Beethoven's Piano music – Artistic and analytic aspects
II: Beethovens Klaviermusik – Künstlerische und analytische Aspekte

Tomas Dratva, Miha Haas, Jan Marisse Huizing, Luís Pipa, Einar Steen-Nøkleberg

YouTube Playlist: >> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqr5jalP-zXyMtMZYX8J0VriqlJQ1NoHe

Jan Marisse Huizing, Amsterdam (NL): Quotations and Ideas in Beethoven's Piano Sonatas >> Download PDF-Datei

Tomas Dratva, President of EPTA Switzerland, Basel:
„Wellington's Victory“ – Beethoven's War Symphony
. Lecture Recital
Video (english version) >> https://youtu.be/CTnrjiiI5QE
„Wellingtons Sieg“ – Beethovens Kriegssinfonie. Lecture Recital
Video (deutschsprachige Fassung) >> https://youtu.be/eJ5szHvLxJ4

Luís Pipa, President of EPTA Portugal: Revisiting Beethoven through Vianna da Motta's interpretative score of Piano Sonatas opp. 7 and 31 no. 3. Lecture Recital
Video >> https://youtu.be/vKMAFtFyxOQ

Einar Steen Nøkleberg, EPTA Norway: "fp" in the first movement of Beethoven's Sonate Pathétique. Short Talk
Video >> https://youtu.be/a6DRMVUGy7g

Miha Haas, Ljubljana (Slovenia): Beethoven's 32 Sonatas: Understanding elements of the Performing Practice beyond conventional wisdom. Lecture
Video >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtIZK6414TY

Sunday, November 1st, 2020


11:00 MEZ: Gesprächsrunde für Fragen an die Referenten auf deutsch

mit Susanne Kessel, Anton Voigt, Tomas Dratva, Einar Steen-Nøkleberg, Till Alexander Körber, Gregor Vidovic

15:00 MEZ/CET: Annual General Meeting of EPTA Presidents

16:30 MEZ/CET: Come together

 17:00 MEZ/CET
III: Beethoven and his contemporaries
III: Beethoven und seine Zeitgenossen

Panel: Mario Aschauer, Gregor Vidovic, Anton Voigt 

YouTube Playlist: >> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqr5jalP-zXxgssgzqeZ4L6onxaqD4arr 

Mario Aschauer (Houston/Texas/USA)
1. 83 Diabelli Variations. Backstory and Waltz
– Video >> https://youtu.be/ubcbtLwoJ2I
2. Beethoven's Diabelli Variations, the Schusterfleck, and a Viennese Scandal – Video >>https://youtu.be/jBTbq4Hc7tc
3. The Longest Diabelli Variation: Emanuel Aloys Förster's Capriccio – Video >> https://youtu.be/FKvdS8bW6bQ

Gregor Vidovic (Nottingham/United Kingdom):
Beethoven and Clementi or The Conquest Of The "Haughty Beauty"
Video: >> https://youtu.be/qAquutDwNp0

Anton Voigt (Linz/Austria) und Johann Sonnleitner (Zürich/Switzerland):
„O Hoffnung ...“ Erzherzog Rudolph von Österreich als Komponist von Variationen über ein Originalthema von Beethoven
Video: >> https://youtu.be/M2CKFeQTJ7I
English Text: >> Download pdf


18:30 MEZ/CET
IV: Beethoven's influence on later composers
IV: Beethovens Wirken in die Zukunft

Panel: Susanne Kessel, Till Alexander Körber, Yuval Admony 

YouTube Playlist: >> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqr5jalP-zXx2Ew1HzJtsRTuFcBdEpU8k

Susanne Kessel >> http://250-piano-pieces-for-beethoven.com/von-susanne-kessel/

Till Alexander Körber, President of EPTA Austria, Wilhering: Beethoven teaches the Variations op. 27 by Anton Webern to a student / Beethoven unterrichtet einen Schüler mit Weberns Variationen op. 27
Video: >> https://youtu.be/_3dn-TRs7zg
English text >> Download

Kanazawa-Admony Piano Duo (Israel): Beethoven – From Grosse Fuge to Tailor's Patch. Narration: Yuval Admony, Chair of Israel Piano Teachers Association
Ludwig van Beethoven, Grosse Fuge op. 134 for four hands – Camille Saint-Saëns: Variations on a Theme by Beethoven – Yuval Admony: Variations on Diabelli's Waltz
Video: >> https://youtu.be/8miaPcefuOE


Lecture - Recital

YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqr5jalP-zXyk7xf_XFvNhaHOjBMCGgP7

Marcella Crudeli, President of EPTA Italy, Rome: Beethoven and Chopin in comparison: Beethoven Sonata op. 109 –
Chopin brilliant variations op. 12
. Lecture Recital
Video: >> https://youtu.be/z8pDA4BWqPM

Milos Pavlovic, President of EPTA Serbia: The Art of Piano Playing in the 21th Century A Pianist as a Reproductive or Creative. Lecture Recital
Video: >> https://youtu.be/M3STKEL4tEY
English Text >> Download

Stephan Möller (Wien/Austria): Beethoven 1802: The Heiligenstädter Testament, the „New Way“ and the three Sonatas Opus 31. Lecture Recital
Video: >> https://youtu.be/QodAl3pIYqU

Susan Chan (Portland State University/USA): 'Exoticism' in Selected Piano Works of Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart: Editions and Transcriptions. Lecture Recital
Video: >> https://youtu.be/fpOigEjqx6o


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